Many people understand processes and instructions in different ways. This version of the enrollment process describes the process visually.
Go to This is the first page that you will see.
This is were you select to become a Member of United Business Association (UBA).
Above is a sample version from a test application the NOTICE: THIS IS THE DEV ENVIRONMENT will not be visible on the actual enrollment.
You would select YES or NO if you are a current Member.
If YES, it will ask the following: Your UBA Membership ID#, Last Name & Date of Birth.
IF NO, it will ask you if you would like to enroll in UBA where you can choose YES or NO.
(Note: This answer will determine what Optional Supplemental Products you will be able to choose from in the various optional Membership Product Categories.)
Above, this is an example of if the Member selected YES, they wanted to enroll in the United Business Association. You will notice that the list of Optional Supplemental Product Categories are all visible and selectable.
If you choose NO, you DID NOT WANT TO ENROLL IN UBA, this is what you will see:
You will notice that you will ONLY be able to select the Benefit Boost Subscription Products which are stand-alone a la carte health and wellness non-insurance Membership Subscription Products and do not require membership in United Business Association to enroll.
If you did select YES, that you wanted to enroll in United Business Association, you have 2 options to continue with the enrollment process.
First, you can just enter the Household information (State, Family Members that you want to add to membership and answer the UBA Small Business Question) and then you would select "Continue" and not choose any of the optional supplemental product categories to continue with just enrolling in the United Business Association.
Or you can choose to enhance your membership and add any of the additional Optional Supplemental Membership Products available in your state. Just select the categories you want to see, enter the Household information (State, Family members that you want to add to membership and answer the UBA Small Business Question) and then select "CONTINUE".
Below is what you will see if you chose to add a Membership product category to view the various Membership Products available in that category. Based on the selection above in step 3, we selected Most Popular Products for the Optional Supplemental Product Categories to view.
(The various membership products below could vary depending on your state. This example is for TX and for this specific category)
Above, you can view any of the additional optional supplemental membership products in this category. In the right hand corner, if you choose to add more categories or remove categories, you can do so by selecting the DOWN ARROW next to the Products selected and Membership Dues total.
Each supplemental membership product has a brief overview and then a more detailed broad overview of the membership product. If you select DETAILS, you can view a detail of a membership product including viewing the Certificate of Insurance which includes the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions as well as the state specific variations of each membership product. We recommend looking over the Certificate of Insurance prior to purchasing or enrolling so that you are knowledgeable on what the membership product covers and doesn't cover.
Once you made a selection, you would select "ENROLL".
Now that you have chosen the Membership Products that you wish to enroll, you will start the enrollment process. Below is an example of the enrollment page where you enter the applicant information like name, date of birth, contact info, address.
At any time, you can change the membership products or # of members to enroll by selecting the left or right Down Arrow buttons at the top of the page. Changing the # of members is on the left and changing the Products is on the right. Also on the right, it will show you have many Membership Products you are enrolling in as well as the Total Monthly Membership Dues for the product you selected.
Once all the information above is entered, the continue button will no longer be grayed out. You would select "CONTINUE".
This is the page that choose your effective. We offer 1st or 15th effective dates. The selection will let you know what effective dates are available for you on the date that you are enrolling. Selecting the effective date is the only thing that you need to do on this page unless there is an unanswered question under Supplemental Insurance Questions. This section will only show if you choose one of the optional supplemental Membership Products to enhance your membership and if it is required in your state.
Once you have selected desired Effective Date, and all questions are answered, you would hit "CONTINUE".
This page is where you will enter the billing information. You will choose who is the PAYOR. Enter their information if you selected someone else. And then choose the Billing address for the select from address or enter a new address. (Make sure the address you select for the Billing Address is the correct address for the PAYOR.)
You can re-review the products selected on the right along with the Total Monthly Membership Dues that will be charged initially and then every month on the 5th or 15th (depending on your effective date choice).
Once you select "CONTINUE", the application will go into the 2nd Phase (verification of application and e-signing the application to finalize enrollment.) Make sure that all information, products selected, payor information, agent (if applicable) are all accurate before hitting "CONTINUE". Once you are sure that everything looks accurate, select "CONTINUE".
This page instructs you to go to your email inbox and locate the email with your verification link.
This is the last part of 1ST PHASE of the Online Enrollment Process. To learn about Verification and E-Signature (2ND PHASE) of the Online Enrollment Process, review the next article: Visual Explanation of Online Enrollment - 2ND PHASE.
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