Find out all you need to know about billing for either UBA or HAA Membership, optional supplemental Membership Products or the a la carte Benefit Boost Subscription Products. Need to change or update your credit card or bank draft information, find out monthly billing dates and more. Need help faster, call us at 866-438-4274.
UBA, HAA & Benefit Boost Billing Issues & Updates to Billing
Find articles about updating your billing information (updating payment info) or if there are billing issues (NSFs, Declined payments, etc) for UBA, HAA & the a la carte Benefit Boost Subscription Membership products.
UBA, HAA & Benefit Boost Initial Payments and Recurring Payments
Find out the common questions and articles related to the initial payment and recurring monthly payments for the United Business Association (UBA) and Healthy America Association (HAA) and the a la carte Benefit Boost Subscription Products.
UBA, HAA & Benefit Boost Cancellations & Refunds
Articles on how to cancel, refund policies and more for UBA, HAA and the a la carte Benefit Boost Subscription Membership Products.